


In memory of Forrest Brinkerhoff

This is a very sad time for all of us losing a loved one.  It’s a time of grief.  A time of sorrow.  Tears well up in the eyes and roll down the cheeks.  Allowed to flow freely they drop to the ground and more follow.

Holiness unto the Lord

Sanctification.  What do you think about when you hear that word?  It has the connotations of being washed and cleansed so that one may be pure, holy and blameless.  In some ways, to me, it is a very mysterious word.  Do you think of yourself as “holy” or one who is “sanctified”?  The world we live in, the culture that surrounds us, is constantly trying to equalize and make common, but our God has called us to be separate.  We fail but this is our calling.  Paul said to the Ephesians,

An Exhortation About Nothing

Sometimes when you have to do an exhortation, it is difficult to pick a subject.  It has to be meaningful, interesting and something that affects you.  That is not always easy.  Many times a spark of an idea will come at the most menial of daily tasks and other times it will flow from large world events.  Often, something will catch hold just by reading and reading.  For this exhortation, “nothing” came to me.  I have “nothing” to offer you in words of exhortation this morning.

For Whom Christ Died

In Romans 15:1 Paul says,

“We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves.”

Who are the strong and who are the weak?  We might be in danger of misreading this verse by taking it out of context especially since there is a chapter break.  Identifying the “weak” and “strong” comes from the previous chapter (14) in verses 1-3,

An Elusive Peace

Peace is elusive.  Peace in the world.  Peace among ourselves.  Peace in our hearts. 

There is a peace that the Bible talks about and then there is a peace that men strive after. 

Consider a man…